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Asbestos Refurbishment Survey - Demolition survey

Welcome to our comprehensive asbestos refurbishment survey/demolition survey page. Prior to undertaking any refurbishment or demolition project, it is essential to identify and manage potential asbestos risks to ensure the safety of workers and comply with regulations.

Our professional survey services offer a thorough assessment of asbestos-containing materials, providing you with expert guidance and peace of mind. Read on to learn more about the significance of refurbishment/demolition surveys and how we can assist you.

What is an Asbestos Refurbishment Survey?

An asbestos refurbishment/demolition survey is a specialized inspection conducted by certified professionals before major renovation or demolition works. This survey aims to identify all asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) that could be disturbed during the planned activities. By assessing the presence, location, and condition of ACMs, we provide crucial information to ensure safe and compliant refurbishment or demolition projects.

The Importance of Asbestos Refurbishment Surveys

Refurbishment and demolition activities can potentially release harmful asbestos fibres into the air if ACMs are not identified and properly managed.

An asbestos refurbishment/demolition survey is crucial for safeguarding the health and safety of workers, reducing the risk of asbestos exposure, and complying with regulatory requirements. It enables you to implement appropriate control measures and ensure a safe working environment.

Our Asbestos Refurbishment Survey Process

At AMK Asbestos Consultancy, we follow a comprehensive process for asbestos refurbishment/demolition surveys to ensure accurate results and expert recommendations. 

Our process includes the following key steps:

At AMK Asbestos Consultancy, we prioritise the safety and success of your refurbishment or demolition project. Our comprehensive asbestos refurbishment/demolition survey services provide accurate results, expert advice, and recommendations to ensure a safe working environment. 

Contact us today to schedule a survey and mitigate asbestos risks effectively.

Was your property built before 2000's?

If you had construction or refurbishment done before 2000, asbestos may be present. Commercial buildings commonly used asbestos since it is a durable, fire-resistant substance.

You must make sure that any potential asbestos on your property won’t endanger people’s health. When unharmed, asbestos is completely safe; it only turns deadly when disturbed and its filaments can escape.

Unless you have previous asbestos-related work expertise, avoid attempting to inspect it yourself. If the asbestos is disturbed or fractured, fibres could be released. An asbestos specialist can assess the state of any asbestos on your home and provide guidance on how to treat it.

Frequently asked questions - Asbestos Refurbishment Survey

Yes, in the United Kingdom, an asbestos refurbishment/demolition survey is a legal requirement before commencing any refurbishment or demolition project. It is essential for complying with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

Who should carry out an asbestos refurbishment/demolition survey?

An asbestos refurbishment/demolition survey should be carried out by qualified professionals with expertise in asbestos management. It is important to hire experienced surveyors who adhere to industry standards and regulations.

When should I schedule an asbestos refurbishment/demolition survey?

It is recommended to schedule an asbestos refurbishment/demolition survey at the earliest planning stages of your project. This allows for proper identification, assessment, and management of asbestos-containing materials before any works begin.

Can I proceed with refurbishment works if asbestos is found during the survey?

If asbestos is found during an asbestos refurbishment survey, it is essential to follow proper procedures to ensure the safe removal or management of the asbestos before proceeding with the refurbishment works. Consult with licensed asbestos removal contractors to handle the asbestos appropriately.

How long does an asbestos refurbishment survey take?

The duration of an asbestos refurbishment survey depends on the size and complexity of the building or property. It can range from a few days to several weeks. Factors such as the accessibility of areas, the number of samples required, and the availability of laboratory analysis can influence the survey timeline.

What happens after an asbestos refurbishment survey?

After an asbestos refurbishment survey, a detailed survey report is provided. The report includes information about the identified ACMs, their locations, condition, and recommendations for their safe removal, encapsulation, or management during the refurbishment works.

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If you are looking for a trustworthy asbestos surveyor, look no further!

Contacting us has never been easier. Call 07503 217235 or complete the form below.